School service

Our buses stop at safe and duly authorised locations. We offer a flexible service, adapting stops to the needs of our passengers and allowing stop changes to meet the specific needs of families.
Accompanying staff and teachers
There will be one accompanying member of staff on all school transport routes. This member of staff will be responsible for making sure that the students are travelling in a safe manner, taking attendance and ensuring a positive atmosphere on the bus.
All of our vehicles comply with current school transport regulations and are subjected to regular inspections by the company offering the service. All of our vehicles are fitted with seatbelts.
Sustainable mobility
Using a collective travel method helps to protect the environment, reduce the negative impact on the air that we breathe and, in general, help us to live a healthier life.
Save money and time
Using collective transport methods is much more efficient, safe, environmentally-friendly and healthy than travelling in a private car. The energy consumption and amount of contamination is also much lower per passenger. If we use these services, we will save money and make sure we always arrive on time.