Regular lines
Check the timetables of
our regular lines
Download the times
Our timetables in PDF
to have them on hand
We offer a wide variety of times and frequencies to move around Lleida area; In addition, the times are adapted to each season of the year so that it responds in the best possible way to the needs of the users.
Check the times

Price for travel "1 zone" with card
T-50/30: 0,598€/travel
T-10/30: 0,780€/travel
T-10: 0,980€/travel
What card am I most interested in if I do…?
- 4 travels/day: la T-mes
- 2 travels/day: la T-50/30
- 3 travels/day: la T-10/30
- Occasional travels: la T-10
- travel with family / friends with a single card: la T-10